Monday, August 13


Sorry everyone, we have some superb train pictures to show you (sadly none of the Himalayas yet - mist mist and more mist!) - the blogger website is being very tempremental lately. So we left Darjeeling yesterday, sadly we did not get to see the zoo because of the rain, but we did get to see some more temples, which were fairly spooky because of all the mist!
Met some travellers doing a teaching placement in Kalimpong so we got a taxi with them, it was.... wait for it.... CLEAN!!!! The one and the only clean taxi in india i believe. We're staying in a great hotel! First night wasn't so great but because we were put in a room next too the owner who a) likes his beer and b) snores, great combo! But we've moved to a nicer room now. Last night was matt's mini heaven. Not only was Man U vs Reading shown in the lounge but the owner and his friends plus beers were strumming Beatles tunes all night long! Sad to say they weren't familar with the lost prophets tune that matt was showing them!
Matt's ill again, so i've been making him eat soup all day, he's back on the antibiotics so hopefully it'll clear up soon. This afternoon we went to a 'paper factory' which wasn't so much a factory has a house, but we did get to see the whole process and the beautiful end results! And then on we went to town and have been doing more present shopping!!
The owner has been great because matt is ill and has arranged us transport to the station on wednesday! This is doubly helpful because un-beknown to us it's independance day, and Kalimpong pratically closes down for a three day street party. Shame though cause we would've stayed for it but we didn't know when we booked our tickets. The second shame is owner's sister works at Dow Hill School and would've arranged a visit for us had we been staying longer!
Needless to say we're emailing the lonely planet with a glowing report! xxxx

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Many thanks for birthday wishes -was a lovely surprise. So glad Kalimpong worked out well after all the hassle you have had.
Don't envy you your journey to Goa - you must have terrific stamina. Sorry, forgot to tell you 15th. was Independence Day - and I really should have remembered because as my birthday falls the day before there were always lots of lovely dances to go to. Look forward to seeing photos of the train. Keep well and hope Goa turns out well.

Love - Grandy xxxooo